preventive care dentist
There was this saying that I heard many years ago, “it will never be cheaper than it is today”! Now this applies to dentistry. Admiringly enough dental care is an investment and more than ever preventive care is king. Preventive care is your regular visits, oral healthcare products, and of course your effort at home to brush and floss twice a day. In the event you need treatment, delaying that treatment can not only be costly from a financial standpoint but also on your health, mental well-being, and physical comfort. When it comes to, let’s say getting a root canal and a crown done, the investment is great. The tooth is hurting you or worst case not hurting you and now your emergency is everyone’s emergency. Not only can you end up in the emergency room which is a hefty bill, but you can miss work, be in excruciating pain, and in extreme cases die. I like to tell patients that dentistry does better when we get to control the situation. If it doesn’t hurt now, the treatment goes really well. Why do you think root canals have such a bad stigma or make people cringe? It’s because the tooth had to be worked on in that awful moment when infection was raging, you haven’t slept in days, the ache is pounding and you’ve thought about being Tom Hanks in Cast Away with an ice skate. It’s awful and rough for all of us! When we delay treatment we open more loose ends and complications and frustrations than we realize which ultimately does not turn out well. I’ve seen people wait on treatment on teeth we could have saved and now we are pulling out teeth 2 years ago that were savable. Teeth are important and make your quality of life amazing. The delay frees up a problem now but just remember what could be happening to your mental, emotional and oral health by waiting!
Be proactive with your oral health! Contact Sala Family Dentistry Reno today to schedule an appointment!



Mon - Fri 7:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 7:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday Closed
